This session will be hands-on. To get the most from this session, you should join by computer on the zoom link below. This will be the first of a series we will run on specific platforms that people are using effectively within our community to run their businesses remotely.
We will move through this material quickly and start with basics but very quickly move into tips and specific features that can help increase productivity, collaboration and task management in groups.
Tips for using GSuite for remote work.
Basic and advanced email features
Tools to help keep threads and your inbox organized
Tracking tasks and highlighting important emails
Basic and advanced calendaring features, including hosting conference calls and using appointments for people to book time-slots.
Creating multiple calendars
Sharing calendars
Scheduling conference calls
Defining working hours and creating bookable appointments
Using Drive to organize and share work with internal and external collaborators.
Using folders to organizing documents
Sharing documents internally with employees
Sharing documents externally with customers
Google Docs
Google docs vs uploaded word documents - realtime collaboration
Creating indexes and using headers to create easy to follow navigation
Organizing todos within a google document
Using comments and version control to review changes and resolve issues
Google Sheets
Basics - sheets and organizing data
Creating lists and pulldown menus
Organizing collaborative todo-lists using templates
Introduction to functions and pivot tables for creating graphs and data summaries
Gathering data from forms and pushing that information into a spreadsheet.
Google Slides
For creating and sharing presentations with customers.
Other tips!
Hosted by Andreas Hagen
Andreas Hagen is a Quadra Island resident and business owner. He has over a decade of experience managing distributed teams who work on highly collaborative projects. He is a founding member of CRAAG, a supporter of Nexstream.is and TecHatchery and is a director with the Discovery Islands Chamber of Commerce. He is a co-founder of iLab Solutions, now a part of Agilent Technologies.
Zoom Meeting Recording
Meeting ID: 186 309 257