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CR Area Session 9: The Power of the Library Card - Accessing Resources and Information for your Business


The library is on the top of peoples minds when they think about books for kids, pleasure reading or finding the latest biography, but did you know that you can access information for your business? Join Jason Kuffler from the Vancouver Island Regional Library for a conversation about how your library card can unlock a wealth of online resources for new entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners alike.

Hosted by Jason Kuffler and Emily Mathews

Jason Kuffler was recently appointed as Vancouver Island Regional Library’s (VIRL) Sales and Marketing Officer where his goal is to increase the library’s profile with face to face marketing and seeking out new partnerships and opportunities for the organization.

Jason has worked in Libraries and archives since 2007, 7 years with VIRL, and completed his Masters Degree in Library and Archives in 2010. Before going back to school at the age of 30, Jason spent over a decade in retail management, worked with the Vancouver Canucks, RCMP and with SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary.

Emily Mathews has been working in libraries since 2004 and now works for Vancouver Island Regional Library as the Divisional Manager of Collections & Support Services.  Emily is a lifelong learner and passionate about combining her love of technology with library services. Before working as the Divisional Manager, Emily was an eResources Librarian, Children’s Librarian and Reference Librarian.

Zoom Recording

 Power of the Library Card Zoom Meeting Recording

April 16

CR Area Session 8: Computing Security Best Practices

June 3

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