Computing Security and your Business

In the wake of COVID-19, many businesses are quickly pivoting their operating models to online platforms, whether it be e-commerce sites or just updating their websites and email contact forms, cyber security is something that maybe easily overlooked.  On April 16th, the City of Campbell River hosted CRAAG members Rick Segal and Dave Baar and special guest Philip Attfield, CEO of Sequitur Labs to speak on the topic and answer questions.

The informative (and sometimes overwhelming) webinar allowed participants to see why it is important to have a secure site and email platform.  Did you know that there are over 1.7 billion malware currently in circulation that can infect your inbox?!  Or, that your cell phone is potentially one of the most vulnerable pieces of technology.  We all carry one and use it for everything from texting to taking orders and payments for your business. Think of all the personal information stored on your phone. 

The good news it that if you are aware of the threats and set up your site properly, only visit secure online platforms and properly set up passwords you can drastically reduce your risk. 

If this has caught your attention, and I hope it has, the webinar was recorded and the presentation slides are available for download on the site under the past events or click on the link below.


Small Business BC Increases Support during COVID-19


City’s support for local business community pivots during COVID-19