Business Resources

Business Jos Bell Business Jos Bell


It’s Small Business Week (Oct. 17-23), a national celebration that shines the spotlight on Canadian entrepreneurs and all they contribute to our economies and communities.

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Business Jos Bell Business Jos Bell

Support Locals - Shop Local

The Economic Development team wanted to help out local businesses when the Circuit Breaker was announced. Within a matter of days, we turned around a social media campaign to draw attention to local businesses, who needed support. The concept was simple — give the businesses something that draws attention and is easy to execute.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Shop Local for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Many people celebrate this special day by going out to brunch, buying bouquets of flowers and a special gift to show mom that you appreciate everything that she does. This year, due to the pandemic, Mother’s Day may look a little different, but that does not mean you skip out on brunch, flowers and a gift – because this year, Mom has stepped up big time taking on some additional roles that may include teacher, scheduling assistant to the kids, cook, cleaner, activity director, screen time police and some are pulling this off all while working! (Dad, we appreciate all you do as well, you will get your day soon!)

Here are some great ways to put a twist on the Mother’s Day favorites this year by shopping local and supporting your neighborhood businesses while playing by the pandemic rules.

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