Business Resources

Jos Bell Jos Bell

Face Shields for Island Health

At a time when supply chain security, local production, economic capacity building and resilience are at the forefront of conversations, this project provided a focused opportunity for many of us to explore our capabilities in region by responding to a national Call to Action to produce PPE for our medical professionals. The project involved identifying a specific and important need, assessing our local capabilities, sourcing hard-to-get materials including kilometers of film and elastic, iterating over and testing several designs, developing safety protocols for an assembly team, setting up a small-scale manufacturing facility and coordinating the delivery of a packaged end-product. The experience was overwhelmingly positive for the many of us who were involved - many virtual high-fives where shared by small businesses, individuals and government agencies. There were also challenging moments that required perseverance and the support of thoughtful individuals.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Streaming Forward business program provides free toolkit to help Campbell River recovery

With the shock of COVID-19 changes wearing off and people planning for a new normal, the City of Campbell River is sharing strategies to help local businesses move into a recovery phase.

Launching May 12, Campbell River Streaming Forward online resiliency program will guide entrepreneurs through a restart phase. Building blocks include: how to assess current state and opportunities, creating a clear action plan, and tangible tools and resources to implement the plan.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Shop Local for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Many people celebrate this special day by going out to brunch, buying bouquets of flowers and a special gift to show mom that you appreciate everything that she does. This year, due to the pandemic, Mother’s Day may look a little different, but that does not mean you skip out on brunch, flowers and a gift – because this year, Mom has stepped up big time taking on some additional roles that may include teacher, scheduling assistant to the kids, cook, cleaner, activity director, screen time police and some are pulling this off all while working! (Dad, we appreciate all you do as well, you will get your day soon!)

Here are some great ways to put a twist on the Mother’s Day favorites this year by shopping local and supporting your neighborhood businesses while playing by the pandemic rules.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

The Power of the Library Card!

Since the Zoom meet up, CR Area Session: The Power of the Library Card, held on April 22nd, I have had a new found love for the Library. With my position as Economic Analyst I am constantly looking for information to help businesses with training resources, statistics, best practices, innovative ideas and funding. What I have found is that the online resources and data bases that you can access through your library card will help you not only find the answers, but they will help keep your training budget in check as well! With VIRL’s (Vancouver Island Regional Library) newly updated home page, the resources you are looking for are easier to find as well.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Small Business BC Increases Support during COVID-19

Small Business BC is a not-for-profit resource hub for entrepreneurs. They provide downloadable resources, education, events and one on one 30 min sessions with business consultants – and all of this is free! Since the onset of COVID-19, additional resources have been brought on to help businesses looking for help and guidance.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Computing Security and your Business

In the wake of COVID-19, many businesses are quickly pivoting their operating models to online platforms, whether it be e-commerce sites or just updating their websites and email contact forms, cyber security is something that maybe easily overlooked. On April 16th, the City of Campbell River hosted CRAAG members Rick Segal and Dave Baar and special guest Philip Attfield, CEO of Sequitur Labs to speak on the topic and answer questions.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Working from Home - with Kids

Here are a few tips from locals who are juggling the work/school/life balancing act. Hopefully it will allow you to refine your daily routine or change it up a bit so the kids stay engaged long enough for you to focus on your business and have that next innovative idea to get you through this trying time.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Tell Us About Your Business’s Challenges Accessing Support

Economic stimulus options are emerging and evolving to help businesses endure the current operational and economic challenges. Tell us about what aspects of these support opportunities are making it challenging for you as a local business to access.

We've also asked for some background information about your business so we can better organize responses and then communicate suggestions to policy makers in a more targeted way.

Follow the link below to fill out the questionnaire.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Global Social Opportunity in a Crisis

The increase in online communication that has resulted during the crisis also provides potential ways to reduce the stress that inevitably accompanies a pandemic or other large scale disaster, as well as a way to check in with the more vulnerable people among us and offer them what support we can, even when we cannot so easily lend a physical helping hand for obvious reasons.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Locals mobilize to fight COVID-19 through manufacturing

It’s easy to feel paralyzed by the scale of what is happening to our communities. Thoughtful questions, gestures of financial or other support, and actions like this can be catalysts of action. Several locals are banding together to manufacture goods that are helpful to our public servants and healthcare providers.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

The City of Campbell River Economic Development values our local businesses

“In the midst of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we want to reassure you that we are here for you”, says Mayor Andy Adams. “While there is uncertainty in the coming weeks ahead, we are here to provide or point you to resources to help you during this time.”

“We’re seeing an unprecedented change in business practices as people around the globe adjust to the realities of the COVID-19 outbreak,” says economic development officer Rose Klukas. “Many of our businesses are struggling to adjust, but financial, technological and social resources are available to help during these difficult times.”

In partnership with Campbell River Area Angel Group (CRAAG), the City’s economic development team is working to collect resources that are available online and that can be helpful to local business. The economic development department will provide businesses with the opportunity to take part in virtual workshops and seminars that fill gaps in information or that make existing content more locally relevant and accessible.

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Jos Bell Jos Bell

Businesses Get Creative in Campbell River

There is no question businesses are facing a challenge of their life. It is incredible how quickly things can change and how all over the world, no one is unaffected. But this weekend I was so impressed with how many of our local businesses have pivoted their business model so that they can continue to serve the community and to do that safely.

For example, on Friday night an ad from Crow’s Nest Artist Collective popped up on my Facebook page. For those of you who haven’t discovered the artist in you (that would be me), Crow’s Nest offers art classes and supplies. Social distancing is tough for an extrovert like me so I decided that I should learn some new skills. I ordered a kit and by the next afternoon it was delivered to my front porch via free shipping. Have a look here:

Other businesses making changes to reflect the current challenge are restaurants. My husband and I are celebrating our anniversary this week. We had planned an evening out but of course that isn’t possible and we are very serious about embracing physical distancing in order to stamp out COVID-19….

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